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Product model:HF-2004

Connecting Stretcher For Operation Room

●High quality aluminum material as the main structure,one time automatically pressed

●High strength alloy aluminum marterials for the track to increase steady and reliability during the moving period

●The two single-stretcher comes to a same level by lifting up/down singly so as to slide the bed steadily

●It can be locked automatically when the bed slide to any single stretcher and there is an insurance equipment

●Direction wheel easily operated by only one person

●Central-control braking wheel to make it steady

●Central control braking system in every single-stretcher,reliabled and steady during the movement or connection

●Its function and structure come to the international modern level,can satisfy to the requirement of all hospital,can prevent cross infection.It`s a good choose for operation room.


●Packing size:2040X700X580mm

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