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    The introduction of welding robot
    Release time:2012-03-12  

    This year, along with the constant innovation and progress of science and technology, we will introduce the foreign automatic welding robot, increasing production efficiency and technical breakthrough, to promote the development of the industry chain enterprises.

    Welding robots is in industrial robot shaft flange is installed at the end of the electrode holder or welding gun (cut), for welding, cutting or thermal spraying.Basically has the following advantages:

    (1) stable and improve the welding quality.

    (2) increase in labor productivity;

    (3) improve the worker labor intensity, can work under bad environment;

    (4) reduce the demand for workers operating technology;

    (5) to shorten the product modification and upgrading of preparation cycle, reduce equipment investment.

     Now, this kind of robot is widely used in all walks of life.We introduce the robot will be a revolution of technology innovation, paving the way for transformation, gradually realize unmanned operation, better promote the development of the industry culture. 


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